Crystal Oscillator

An electronic oscillator circuit that uses the mechanical resonance of a vibrating crystal to create an electrical signal with a precise frequency.

In-game icon for Crystal Oscillator

Stack Size: 100

As Produce

Recipes that automate Crystal Oscillator

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RecipeIngredientsProductsProduced With
Crystal Oscillator
Alternate: Insulated Crystal Oscillator

As Ingredient

Recipes that automate Crystal Oscillator

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RecipeIngredientsProductsProduced With
Superposition Oscillator
Radio Control Unit
Alternate: Radio Control System
Alternate: Uranium Fuel Unit
Alternate: Rigor Motor
Alternate: Crystal Computer
Pulse Nobelisk

Recipes that are crafted with Crystal Oscillator

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RecipeIngredientsProductsProduced With
Radar Tower
  • Build Gun
  • Build Gun
Large Billboard
  • Build Gun
Small Billboard
  • Build Gun