Sulfuric Acid

Produced by combining Sulfur and Water in a complex reaction. Primarily used in refinement processes and Battery production.

In-game icon for Sulfuric Acid

Stack Size: 1

As Produce

Recipes that automate Sulfuric Acid

Display Item Rate
RecipeIngredientsProductsProduced With
Encased Uranium Cell
Sulfuric Acid
Unpackage Sulfuric Acid

As Ingredient

Recipes that automate Sulfuric Acid

Display Item Rate
RecipeIngredientsProductsProduced With
Non-Fissile Uranium
Encased Uranium Cell
Packaged Sulfuric Acid
Alternate: Instant Scrap
Alternate: Fertile Uranium
Alternate: Leached Iron ingot
Alternate: Leached Copper Ingot
Alternate: Leached Caterium Ingot